Friday, January 20, 2012

Doctors (and Dentists) Going Broke? Part 2

The article posted a few days ago, and ensuing discussion brought about awareness of an issue crossing over both medical and dental lines; the financial stress and potential viability of independent doctors and dentists to continue practicing. Remembering that among the many reasons they are having financial difficulty are increased costs, decreased reimbursements, patients' inability to meet their financial obligations, and lack of business acumen on the part of the doctors and dentists. So, today's article that I want to share is fascinating (as a Part 2) on a number of different levels, and gives yet another perspective of where some of the issues stem from. Hold on, because you are going to love this! The articles are twofold and are located on the July 5, 2011 and Nov. 21, 2011 postings on the website.

At the end of 2011, the NC Board of Dentistry charged a dentist with violating the Dental Practice Act by selling his dental practice to a large corporate dental management firm. The reasons they became involved revolve around the concept of Dentist controlled ownership and management. You see, Dentists must legally own and have control over the management, financial, administrative, and clinical aspects of the dental practice, along with having control over how care is delivered to patients. The issue here, is that many of these large corporate dental management firms buy the practice but then leave the Dentist on staff as an employee, who does not have final say on the above aspects of the management of the practice or how care is delivered to patients. This is the crux of this problem, and yes, the NC Board of Dentistry issued some severe sanctions on this Dentist, and on the dental management corporation. THIS has raised several red on...we are about to peel the layers off of this "onion" of a situation...


1. Dental management companies must be owned by dentists. Management companies can come in, work FOR the Dentist, and make suggestions on managing the Practice. However, the (a) licensed Dentist must have final say and control of both clinical and many administrative decisions. In fact, the Board is now entertaining the idea of having the final approval on all dental practice sales contracts. A bill for such, has been proposed. This, of course, is controversial.

2. Dentists, as stated in a prior blog, have little or no business knowledge, skills or acumen to successfully and efficiently run their Practices. Opponents of this proposed bill, are stating the Board's decision to approve or disapprove of all dental practice sales contracts as a total intrusion into their practice management and ownership. DENTISTS are opposing this. Yup. I know...bizarre right? They are recognizing their limitations and asking for assistance here because many are not making it financially, on their own (because they have NO business skills).

3. Dental PROponents say that the bill and the Board's decision to intervene is needed because dental management firms are only out for corporate profits and won't put patient needs first. (Did anyone tell them that Dentists need profit just as badly because they have NO business skills to properly manage their OWN overhead expenses and therefore, think the only way to raise revenue is through increasing their fees in their  Practices?)

4. Ironic aspect here: these dental management corporations, have officially purchased hundreds/thousands of dental practices over the last 10 YEARS, all over the USA. They are everywhere......with no one blinking an eye over it!?! Why now, is my question? Did no one notice these "illegalities" before this?? But...I digress.....

So, in my humble estimation, and with all due respect, I will attempt to say this. Dentists are set up to fail. They just are. I know that is direct and blunt, but stay with me here (I'm known for my candor here). This is a continual, vicious cycle of how the SYSTEM of dentistry is set up to fail. The common theme here is that they are LACKING business knowledge/skills/acumen to successfully manage their business, pay off their debt, control their overhead, market themselves, and translate that efficiency into lower fees for patients to pay. If we continue to legally limit Dentists into becoming business owners while providing them with NO knowledge or skills on owning a business, it is no WONDER they want to sell out to anyone who wants to buy the Practice. Because, in all honesty, "Dentists don't know...what Dentists don't know". And, believe me, they don't know A LOT about being business owners. We have an OBLIGATION, in Dentistry, to create a system that is not an automatic set up to fail for Dentists, with a trickle-down failure towards patients, who can't access the care because the fees are high as a result of Dentists not being given the necessary business training to efficiently manage their businesses. We need to address these issues head-on from a systems perspective, not a "blinders on" perspective. Those blinders need to come off with a 60,000 foot panoramic view taken instead.

Surveys of Dentists state that they WISH they learned about dental practice ownership on a much larger scale while in school. Some Dentists state that if they had it to do all over again, they would not go into Dentistry as a result of how much they did NOT learn in school, and the problems it caused when they graduated. I know this, because I have seen it for decades. Dentists will be very honest about this when spoken to one-on-one, and it is a researched and published topic. The solution, as I see it, is to restructure dental education, and provide solid, sound business curriculum into the DMD or DDS degree, so that Dentists have a CHANCE for successful, efficient, effective, financially-sound managing capabilities of their Practices. THEN and ONLY THEN, should we propose a bill that reinforces full control and autonomy of dental practices to Dentists. HOWEVER, until then, Dentists are simply going to remain "gerbils on a wheel", working frantically,and going in circles, with no end in sight. Setting up Dentists to fail, by mandating they are the sole business owners without any business training, in my humble estimation, is a failure of the dental system. It's a colossal breakdown, from a systems perspective. This bill, proposed in NC, is like putting a band-aid on an artery wound, in my opinion. We need to treat the systemic problem, not the symptom.

Let's get back to the drawing board and redesign the dental educational standards to include not just the CLINICAL competencies that Dentists need, but the ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL/LEGAL/OPERATIONAL competencies that they will need JUST as much (if not more) than their clinical core. After all, without the ability to successfully manage their Practices, they cannot provide clinical services. It's that simple. Honest to God.

Thanks for stopping by and remember, you only have to brush and floss the teeth that you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY want to keep. Nothing more. That's it.
Dr. Driscoll

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reality vs. Perception: Doctors (and Dentists) Going Broke?

This article could not appear at a better's perfect. It's the perfect segway into my next blog; the realities vs. the the perception. CNNMoney published a wonderful, controversial, and utterly thought-provoking article a week ago (well, Jan. 6, 2012, to be exact). The title is "Doctors going broke", and the reason it hit me like a sledgehammer is because this is what has been happening to Dentists for about 5 years now, and is coming to a head. In fact, I STILL hear from Dentists how close they are to not being able to pay their bills, or are actually in the hole, financially. I heard it this week, actually. This is one of those embarrassing secrets (like dirty family secrets) that are becoming more common place than we even think. Here is the link, for those that want to read more: Basically, the short version is that the perception of doctors and dentists is that they are all living high on the hog, on our hard earned money (if we can actually pay our copays),  while the rest of America can't afford their over-priced services. Reality Check #1: in many, many cases, this is false. In fact, the dirty secret here is that its the exact opposite. They are going broke (just like us). I're floored. Keep reading, my friends, because this is where I earn my title as The Scary One. All I ask here, is that you keep an open mind and consider all sides, because there are sides here that you are not aware of. Don't formulate a final opinion until all sides are taken into consideration.

Let's broaden your horizons on some things, and give you a real foundation for the numbers before you make a final judgment. Let's start by giving you the facts: when a dentist (for instance), graduates dental school, their debt load is anywhere from $155,000 (for a public university dental program), to $250,000+ (for a private school dental program). That's a mountain-load of debt...but we're not done yet. In fact, we have barely begun. If they want to buy an existing (older) dental practice from a retiring dentist, they take on another (approximately) $250,000 to $500,000 of debt for that purchase. If the practice has been renovated and updated, it could cost more. If that dentist wants to build a practice instead of buying an outdated one (for instance), the cost of building a 6 operatory dental practice runs approximately $600,000 (without the land and inside an existing building). If they need to construct the actual building itself AND purchase the land, it could easily run another few hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you have your calculator handy, that equates to EASILY a half million dollars and up. Any idea how much that monthly payment is?? It's a staggering amount. In fact, before that dentist has filled their first cavity, their monthly debt load is monumentally huge. And, that's without payroll, supplies, utilities, malpractice and insurances, etc., etc., etc..

Now ponder this: the average dentist receives approximately 3 weeks of GENERALIZED business curriculum. That means a cursory amount, at best. So, with little business knowledge, and a mountain of debt, they open their doors. They have very knowledge on running their business, managing debt, estimating the cost of their overhead, staffing their practices with market-value salaries, or forecasting what revenue they need to pay their bills each month. Nothing. They are unaware of marketing, sales, promotion, advertising, negotiating expenses, setting fees; nothing. It's generally not part of their 3 weeks of "practice management" (that's dental talk for business ownership or business management for dentists). They are unaware of how to track reports, track expenses, estimate their overhead, manage and pay off their debt load, or estimate future capital needs and expenditures, retirement planning, employment law compliance; nothing. I know. Its staggering. In fact, its mind boggling, but there it is. That's why, when this article came up in CNNMoney, I jumped on it to illustrate that its not just an issue with medical doctors but has been an issue for dentists (who suffer in silence out of sheer embarrassment alone) for a dog's age. No kidding. THAT's the reality you just don't know about.

The first thing I hear when I ask someone when the last time they went to the dentist was, is the common phrase "I can't afford it". "Dentists charge too much", is the second comment I hear. And, as much as I try, in vain, to explain to people how important their oral health is, and how highly linked poor oral health is to almost EVERY chronic disease is, people still state the obvious: "I can't afford their fees". Ok, I get it. I hear you. By the time the decay in your tooth has hit the nerve, it requires both a root canal AND a crown (and possibly a build up under that crown since there is little natural tooth left to "anchor" that crown on to), which can total up to $2000 for ONE tooth. I get it; I really do. I'm not out of touch with the realities of that amount of money. In short, it's what we call a "CRAP ton of money". It's huge. Really, it is. ALMOST as huge as the mountain of debt that dentist has taken on (see above) to SAVE that tooth. Between the cost of the dental degree, the cost of the practice, and the monthly cost to run that practice, and the diminishing amount of insurance payments, LACK of payment from Medicare (they don't pay for dental services, although the elderly SURE do need it, I'm just saying...), and PALTRY amount of reimbursement from Medicaid (which most dentists cannot afford to take because it does not come CLOSE to paying their bills), the out of pocket cost of dentistry falls on the patient. In this economy, where people can't pay their mortgages, don't have jobs, and zero savings, we have hit the nail on the head as to why doctors and dentists are going broke. Like you, they cannot pay their bills. They just cannot. If they were kind enough to let you pay off your services (and God bless those who do), and you simply cannot pay and declare bankruptcy on those dental (or medical) bills after the services have been rendered (as 65% of bankruptcies now consist of), they lose that income and cannot pay their bills either. It's a vicious cycle here. The only difference between you and them is the degree of knowledge and the debt load of that knowledge. Otherwise, we are all the same people.

So, the reality is that with little business knowledge and significant clinical knowledge, they can fix your clinical issue. However, like you, they are struggling with how to pay their bills as they (like you) face diminishing income and expanding expenses. They are not very different from you at all. Like you, they simply don't mention how financially strapped they are. They are struggling with where does that income come from to pay the bills. There was an article in the Academy of General Dentistry journal from 2006 that stated that the majority of dentists were overwhelmed as dental business owners because they lacked the business knowledge and it was a major stressor. Many of them stated if they had it to do all over again, they would not have gone into medicine/dental. Too late. Doctors, as evidenced by the above article, are facing the same thing. Corporations are buying up (failing) dental practices at a high rate. From what I hear, its no wonder; they were not taught the business skills they so desperately needed to move into their careers as practice owners. Shame on us for not teaching them that. $150,000-$250,000+ in education and they are not prepared to become dental practice owners? Wow. How tragic. So, as a result, yes, the prices are high. Yup, they are unrealistic. Yup, its not affordable by the average American. No, they cannot afford to take Medicaid and no, Medicare does not pay for dental services either. SUCH a travesty, isn't it? It is truly a vicious cycle. And, on top of it all, most doctors and dentists are embarrassed by this and don't want us to know since the PERCEPTION is that they should ALL be living high on the hog. After all, isn't that why they spent the ADDITIONAL 4-10 years on an education that the rest of society didn't???

So, the point here, today, is that the article I posted opens up the REALITY of the situation right now with health care. It's a hot mess. It really is. Doctors and dentists (and hospitals) can barely afford to practice and society can barely afford to see them for services. So, what's the solution? MY answer is to redesign the system from the inside out. TEACH them how to be business owners, for heaven's sakes! Start with the education process! Why are we NOT? They should not need the "Secret Squirrel Handshake" to successfully run their businesses with affordable rates that patients can afford to pay.

The only secret here is the embarrassment of the inability to practice medicine or dental medicine as business owners first, and clinicians second. And, if I have my way about it, action will be taken and courses will be created. Saving one tooth should not cost more than, say, a whole living room set. It should not. There are better ways to estimate, and negotiate that cost. There are better ways to control overhead. There are better ways.....BUT patients also need to pull their end of it. Specialized knowledge and skills don't come from volunteers. Dentists and doctors are not volunteers. If you have their services, please remember they did not come free. If you don't plan on working for your employers for FREE for a week, please don't expect them to either. There are TWO sides to every story...well, actually three if you count the objective facts (minus the emotions). Just remember that. Be fair and be open.

Well, that's it for me today. I just wanted to share this and begin your TRUE education on the realities versus the perceptions. This IS, after all, "a thought-provoking dialogue on the legal, ethical, and research aspects of dentistry and oral health", as my description states. Consider this my contribution to continued (realistic) life-education.

You don't have to thank me....I'm happy to help.

Thanks for stopping by, and remember, you only have to brush and floss the teeth that you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY want to keep. Nothing more. That's it. Carry on.
Dr. Driscoll

Friday, January 13, 2012

"What's so scary about you, Dr. Driscoll? Why this title?"...

~ "Today is the first day of the rest of your (blogging) life" ~

...And so it begins. This blog arose out of sheer necessity. There just isn't a place to discuss some of the scariest topics affecting dentistry and oral health today. There just isn't. And there certainly needs to be, from what I encounter almost daily by talking to clients, patients, dentists, academics, students, practice managers; you name it. So here I am taking the steps that need to be taken to open up dialogue about some scary topics, and share information, disseminate knowledge, inspire passion, generate a call to action, and hopefully, collaborate on solutions. We have a lot of issues in dentistry, but we also have significant issues with oral health in our communities as well. My desire is to bring specific, researched information and apply it to both the dental industry and the community as a whole. Both sides of a situation must be viewed though, to really view it fairly. This is not a rant blog, but a "things that make you go Hmmmmm" blog. I have a passion for finding the latest research, problem, issue, or need and putting it out there where most people, and most dentists, are just not aware of its scope, but cannot ignore it. Warning: the information in these blogs is controversial and thought-provoking. At times, it may be upsetting, and I don't sugarcoat things. I should tell you that right up front. "I call 'em as I see 'em", as they say. But that's ok because becoming aware is a first step to opening up dialogue. And that, my friends and colleagues, is the first step to generating solutions. You don't have to thank me....I'm happy to help.

So, is it that I'm a scary woman or is it that I scare people with my words and research? Hopefully, the second. I decided to be provocative and choose this title for my blog because that's how I was introduced to a group of dentists at an 8 hour lecture I was giving back in 2010 at the University of Florida, College of Dentistry. My 8 hour lecture was on Employment Law and Avoiding Lawsuits and the Assistant Dean, who had heard me speak before, advised the group of dentists that I was the scariest woman in dentistry with what I had to speak to them about. He literally told them that their jaws would drop open, they would get upset, but that ultimately, my lecture and information HAD to be learned by dentists. He also indicated that they would, indeed, thank me at the end of their exhausting, emotionally draining day.

At the time I thought....did you just say that about me because I'm a truly lovely person!?! Honest to God! I smiled politely but thought...well...since they don't know what's about to hit them, I guess the title fits. Anytime we find out new information that could potentially get us in trouble, and we realize we haven't exactly been doing things correctly; its a bit frightening. When you have to sit and listen to me for 8 glorious hours (I know, it's horrendous but oh so good for you-like sitting down to a HUGE bowl of brussel sprouts; you'll be healthier for it when its done, but its miserable while you're going through it) and you realize just how incorrectly you HAVE been doing things, you get a bit nauseous. Luckily, I hand out Tums. Then I move on to my next topic. Then I provide them with solutions and corrective measures to implement into their practices immediately.

After all, and in all fairness, there's virtually no employment law taught to dentists in dental school so it's not that they are purposely doing things incorrectly; they literally don't know what it is they are legally REQUIRED to know, as business owners. It's not their fault; honest to God. They can't be blamed here. It's lacking in most medical fields, to be honest. So, I tell them, and teach them, and then they sigh a huge sigh of relief. They leave my courses inspired and grateful, ready to implement legally compliant change into their practices. THAT'S the rewarding part. FIXING what is broken. PROVIDING sustainable solutions. BUILDING skills and knowledge from lessons learned. It's not enough to discuss wrongs if you don't have the courage to provide the rights.

My work is not about negativity; its about raw knowledge and data and evidence-based solutions. So, here I am. And there is still a TON of work to do to solve our problems with dentistry and oral health. Consider this one of my major contributions to improving my field. I love dentistry; I really do. And I refuse to wait for others to solve our issues. So, I'm a bit fearless and "on the cutting edge", as my Dissertation Chair told me yesterday. Come along for the ride~you'll be better for it; I promise. It might be tough at times and hard to stomach, but I promise this is worth it. I know you can do it, I have faith in you. Just keep an open mind (and a bottle of Tums close by). Words are powerful, knowledge should be shared, and communication should be safe. We can do this.

Thanks for stopping by and remember; you only have to brush and floss the teeth that you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY want to keep. That's all. Nothing more.
Dr. Driscoll